Detours book release?

detours book cover

I can explain. It all started with a swirly texture that I sketched out a few days ago. I had no choice but to scan it in and start playing with it in PhotoShop. Once I came up with a few interesting variations, I thought, “That would make one sweet background for a comic!” Of course I couldn’t stop there, having come so far, so I worked up this scene of Zeke exploring something. How it turned into a book cover is anybody’s guess.

Will there be an actual Detours book rolling off the presses?
I’m not currently at liberty to say… Although I can say this much; it definitely isn’t going to be printed before I actually draw the comic. Pretty sure on that part.

All I’ve got for you so far, are the fragments of my experimental comic.

“Wooden Oh” sketch


Many times drawing is an exploratory process. I start with the seed of an idea and see where it goes. Not the case here. This graphical “O” burst into my head, fully formed, animated, and way cooler than it turned out in this first attempt to get in out on paper. Hopefully I can carve out some time to develop it some more. I kinda like it.

DrawnTown with a view

I realized that I never posted the results from the last DrawnTown, which was nearly a month ago. I’m sure the tension is killing all the rabid fans out there…

Rabid fans? …Is that like a ceiling fan that’s foaming at the mouth? Lets hope I bolted that thing on good enough, or I’ll end up with a fan blade to the head! Freaky.

So, this DrawnTown was at Kiel’s trendy downtown apartment, and featured a selection of delicious soups and some homemade cider. I’m going to start coming just for the food… Oh, and there was some drawing too:

View out the window. (If you’re good you should be able to tell where Kiel lives just from this drawing.)

tree_from_window Read More …

Its a pre-school thing


Maybe I’m reverting to a three-year-old… Actually, I have this brilliant, sophisticated, and entirely grown up idea for a comic strip rattling around in my head, but this is all the further I’ve gotten so far. It is kind of a reminder sketch. You can tell it is going to be revolutionary, no?

It was kind of fun to “play” with the blocks in my head to draw this… maybe I should go pick up a set and see what I’ve been missing.

Drawin’ at the Falls

I dropped by the Sioux Falls last week for another installment of “Drawn Town Sioux Falls”. The place was down-right infested with people scratching away in sketchbooks. Innocent bystanders kept wondering if we were all part of some art class. Classic. Here is what I managed to put on paper:


You can get a bigger picture of the maddness in this slideshow.